
Gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino reacts to 2014-2015 state budget

Gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino, R-Westchester, was unimpressed by the on-time passage of the 2014-2015 state budget.

“Whoop-ti-do! You’re doing your job, you are supposed to do that,” Astorino told Capitol Pressroom host Susan Arbetter. “What’s in the budget is more important and this is a typical, election year gimmick budget with a property tax gimmick. I’m really concerned that politicians won but the hard working middle class–business owners, etc–they continue to lose. Until we have not tax shifting or tax increases but tax cutting in a real way, then we are going to continue to have a decline in this state.”

Astorino was in Albany for a NY SAFE Act protest. The budget passed late in the evening on March 31, making it the fourth on-time budget.

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