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WCNY’s Entertainment Academy Trainees to Attend Anton/Bauer’s First Salt-E Dog Demo in New York State

WCNY, Central New York’s public communications organization, announces that its Entertainment Academy trainees will attend Anton/Bauer’s first New York State demonstration of its new Sodium-Nickel 9kWh battery pack, the Salt-E Dog. The event will take place on Saturday, October 21, from 12-4 p.m. at Tipp Hill Studios.

Anton/Bauer, a prominent manufacturer of standard batteries for the Television and Film Industry, will introduce its latest innovation, the Salt-E Dog. This cutting-edge Sodium-Nickel battery boasts an impressive 9-Kilowatt hours of charge capacity. Unlike traditional lithium batteries, the Salt-E Dog relies on sodium, offering both environmental safety and ease of resource cultivation. It has only been demonstrated five times thus far.

WCNY’s Entertainment Academy provides training for the next generation of television and film production engineers, electricians, set designers, sound mixers, and camera operators to help support the growing entertainment industry in Central New York. The trainees will participate in Anton/Bauer’s demonstration as part of their Saturday afternoon class to enhance their understanding of this innovative battery system. Representatives from the Visit Syracuse Film Office will also be in attendance to learn more about this new sustainable power supply.

“This presents an incredible opportunity for our trainees to gain an early insight into the upcoming technological advancements in on-set power within the industry. It also underscores the growing significance of Central New York in the realm of Film and Television production,” said Carol Opee-Stelios, Vice President of Human Resources and Workforce Development at WCNY.

Eric Vinal, VP of Film, TV & Entertainment at Visit Syracuse said, “We at the Visit Syracuse Film Office are extremely grateful for Anton/Bauer taking the time to come to Syracuse for the demo of their new, revolutionary Salt-E Dog battery as a sustainable power source on our film, TV, and production sets. As an infrastructure and region that works very hard to be progressive in the entertainment industry, we are excited to have access to this product and hope to see it more on our sets in the very near future. Technology like this only makes our sets cleaner, more efficient, and safer. We’d also like to extend a huge thank you to Mac Cushing at Salt City Grip, Tipp Hill Studios, and the team and trainees at the WCNY Entertainment Academy for supporting this industry in Central New York.”

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