Feminine Fusion

S07 Ep49: Down Under

Composer Natalie Nicolas

Composer Natalie Nicolas

“Music can do so many different things.  It can bind an audience together, start a revolution, and heal people.”
– Jenny McLeod


Let’s take a trip to the land Down Under this week, with music from women in Australia and New Zealand.  You’ll hear an incredible variety, including influences from both European and Maori traditions.


Down Under

Natalie Nicolas:  We Won’t Let You Down
ACO Collective
“Women of Note: A Century of Australian Composers, Vol. 2”
ABC Classics 4819109

Miriam Beatrice Hyde:  Village Fair
Sydney Symphony Orchestra; Dobbs Franks, conductor
“Women of Note: A Century of Australian Composers, Vol. 2”
ABC Classics 4819109

Katia Tiutiunnik:  The Quickening
Laura Chislett, flute; Stephanie McCallum, piano
“Women of Note: A Century of Australian Composers, Vol. 2”
ABC Classics 4819109

Helen Fisher:  Pounamu
Else Bradley, alto; Richard Nunns, koauau
TOWER Voices New Zealand; Karen Grylls, conductor
“Choral Recital: Spirit of the Land”
Morrison Music Trust 2065

Dorothy Buchanan:  Flute Song for the Birds
Morrison Music Trust 2063-64

Jenny McLeod:  Three Celebrations
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra; Uwe Grodd, conductor
“Jenny McLeod: The Emperor and the Nightingale”
Naxos 857261




Feminine Fusion highlights the roles of women in classical music. Host Diane Jones brings you stories and music of the women who create, perform, and inspire. Produced in the studios at WCNY-FM.

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