Live At WCNY - On the Radio
September 15, 2022: Gounod’s St. Cecilia’s Mass
September 15, 2022

Charles Gounod
By Bayard Bertall – Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Musique, PD-US
Coming in November – a concert presentation of Charles Gounod’s “St. Cecilia’s Mass” with soloists Dominick Corbaccio, Julia Ebner, and David Rudari. Megan Fallon and Dominick Corbaccio stopped into the Classic FM studios to talk about the concert, and how to become part of the performance. They are hoping to have 100 choir members – so listen now to learn more! (And keep in mind – rehearsals start on Sunday, 9/25!)
You can e-mail Megan Fallon for more information on rehearsals and this performance here:
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